Wednesday Sep 18, 2024

Alicia Blando - A Doctor’s Journey into Astrology

With the new full moon being here we're revisiting our Big Blend Radio chat with Dr. Alicia Blando who discusses her book, “Open for Interpretation: A Doctor’s Journey into Astrology” (She Writes Press, June 2023). The memoir follows her self-discovery journey through her astrological chart and demonstrates how readers can apply this ancient practice to their own path to self discovery. 


In conjunction with Western medicine, Dr. Blando believes that the tenets of astrology can support a person’s health, wellbeing, and self-understanding, and can even offer insight into predispositions for certain diseases and illnesses. 

Alicia Blando trained and practiced in the medical specialty of physical medicine & rehabilitation. While working as a physician, she became interested in how indigenous healers diagnosed and treated their patients without the technology present in modern medicine. This curiosity was supported by what she learned about herself through the study of astrology. More: 

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